Good Neighbor Agreements

Good Neighbor Agreements, or GNAs, are agreements entered into by business establishments that require a liquor or marijuana license and Registered Neighborhood Organizations (RNOs) to try to protect and to improve the safety, health, welfare, and quality of life in the neighborhood. Baker has entered into solely or with other neighborhoods several GNAs, which are public record and are also posted here. In entering into the GNA, BHNA promises not to oppose the license. Businesses that sign GNAs show good faith the welfare of the community and are therefore usually looked upon favorably by the neighborhood.


305 W 1st Avenue - Novel Strand
Atomic Cowboy

Brooklyn's Finest Pizza

Black Sky Brewery

Bar 404 (originally created under Brendon's Pub)
Dae Gee #3
Denver Distillery
Illegal Pete's
Historian's Ale House

HQ Live
Mayan Theatre

Middle State Coffee

Mile High Vienna Stand

Novel Strand Brewing

Postino Wine Bar
Silco Fuels (Sinclair gas station at Broadway and Alameda)
Smokin' Yards BBQ

The L
Top Shelf MMJ
Trade Tavern


Upcoming Events



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