Historic Desigination
A significant portion, but not all, of the Baker neighborhood was designated as a Denver Landmark District in 2000. Exterior alterations to structures within the landmark district are subject to review by the Denver Landmark Preservation Commission. The Landmark Preservation Commission uses established design guidelines and character-defining features to evaluate proposed alterations. Approval from the Landmark Preservation Commission is required to get a building permit for most exterior work in the Landmark district. Tax credits – worth up to 20% of a project’s construction cost – are available for work which contributes to the preservation of a designated structure.
This map shows the boundaries of Denver landmark districts and individually landmarked structures.
Many Baker structures that are not within the landmark district also have historic value. We encourage all local property owners to be aware of the benefits of historic preservation and the resources available to support preservation efforts.
Baker Landmark Committee
The Landmark Committee consists of neighborhood residents who are appointed by the Baker Historic Neighborhood Association. The committee’s primary purpose is to provide neighborhood review for major proposed projects that will be going in front of the Denver Landmarks Preservation Commission. New-build construction, new Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), and major additions are referred to the committee for review.
The Landmark Committee’s opinions are advisory only; in all cases, the actual decision is made by Denver Landmark staff and/or the Commission. The Landmark Committee meets ad-hoc within 3 weeks of receiving a project for review. We welcome participation by owners and the owner’s architect.
On occasion, the Landmark Committee also reaches out to property owners to promote the preservation of historically significant structures that are not within the boundaries of the landmark district. We are happy to direct property owners to resources for historic preservation.
For further information, please contact landmark@bakerneighborhood.org.
Find out if a house is within the historically designated area by entering its address on the interactive map.
Preservation Tax Credits
Residents may qualify for a state tax credit for maintenance that they do on historic properties. You can read more about that here. Here's the application.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 26
- Tuesday, April 8
- Thursday, April 17
- Wednesday, April 23
- Tuesday, May 13
- Wednesday, May 28
- Tuesday, June 10
- Wednesday, June 25