How Liquor License Hearings Works


The Zoning Committee will consider its participation in the hearing at its next meeting. Zoning Committee meetings generally occur on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm. Meeting times and dates are listed on the BHNA website.

The Hearing Officer and the Director of Excise & Licenses make the decision as to whether a license issues based on items considered relevant under Colorado Statutes and Colorado Supreme Court decisions interpreting the liquor license statutes. The most important factors are:


1. Are the neighborhood “thirst needs” being met? Does the neighborhood need this type of license in the designated area?

2. Do the residents and business owners in the designated area desire this new license?

3. Parking is a zoning issue, not liquor licensing, so the amount of off-street parking is not relevant at a licensing hearing;

4. The “needs and desires” of those in the designated area is the determining issue, not the business plan of the applicant.


If your property is located within a “Designated Comment Area” defined by the Denver Department of Excise and Licenses (a rectangular area 5 blocks to the north, south, east and west of the location). You have the following options concerning this license:


1. Those who wish to support or oppose this license may circulate petitions. The number of signatures on petitions is often influential in the decision-making process. Please contact the Zoning Committee if you wish to circulate petitions. Please consider carefully the impact of a new license on nearby residences and businesses before signing a petition that is brought to you. Liquor licenses can be transferred and the only ground for objection is the new owner’s character. However, if terms of a GNA so provide, conditions on the license transfer with the license.
2. You can appear at the hearing. The number of people attending a hearing is also influential.
3. Letters written by neighbors are not influential in the decision process but may be added to the file.
4. The hearing can be re-scheduled to 6:00 p.m. by a timely filed petition of residents of the Designated Comment Area.

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