Find Out About Zoning and Planning Issues that Affect Baker
The following link will take you to a separate page listing all the current issues regarding zoning in Baker. The link should open in a new window.
Baker Zoning Site
Broadway Station Area Plan (pdf)
This is a large document and may take a few moments to download
If you want to find out what zone district a property is in, enter the address into Denver's zone map lookup.
To learn what's allowable in that zone district is a bit more work; the zoning code itself is available from the City's website.
It's broken into chapters, and you'll find most of Baker is in the "neighborhood contexts" of U (Urban, Chapter 5), C (Urban Center, Chapter 6) or I (Industrial, Chapter 9); Chapter 2 will help you get oriented, and Chapter 11 has tables showing what uses are or are not allowed in various zones.
Baker Plan (pdf)
The Baker Plan was drawn up in 2003 with the input of many residents and a City planner.
We also have a resource about what feedback the neighborhood can give for new liquor licenses in the neighborhood.
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